Working with a coach was the most helpful tool in healing from my partner’s porn use. Before coaching, I felt stuck, lost, confused, emotionally drained, insecure, afraid of the future, unsure of who I was, and unable to make decisions, which is why I became a certified coach to help you!

Coaching sessions are multi-month containers created specifically to overcome what’s holding you back from creating an Empowered, Confident, Secure, Happy, Hopeful, Resilient, Emotionally Regulated, Optimistic, new YOU filled with self-love and self-worth.

We'll work through self-limiting beliefs, fear, uncomfortable emotions, inner criticism, and replace them with power, confidence, resilience, and self-love using healing, empowerment, nervous system regulation, and mindfulness modalities from my 380+ hours of certifications. 

Therapy focuses on the past, but coaching focuses on giving you the tools to create your new future.

I offer a Empowerment & Transformation discovery call where we discuss where you’re at in your journey and how my services would be custom-tailored to help you overcome it.

This is NOT a “free advice” session. This is to discuss if my coaching services would be right for you. Schedule your free call here!

I’m a certified ICF Women’s Empowerment Life Coach, Advanced Trauma Relationships Coach, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Trauma-Informed Somatics Breathwork Facilitator. See here for more details about my certifications.

F*CK PORN. Use your voice to raise awareness about the harms of porn!

Contact me if you’d like to share your story on my podcast “WTF Do I Do Now?”, or if you’d like me to share my story on your platform.

Podcast interviews & Guest speaking