F*ck P*rn & Cheating. Let's raise awareness about it's harms!

Aside from the 1:1 coaching, I also host a podcast that raises awareness and educates society about betrayal trauma, cheating, and how p*rn is scientifically rewiring people's brains and negatively impacting relationships.

WTF Is This About?


After discovering my partner’s secret p*rn and sex addiction, I couldn’t make sense of why this happened. So I went on a mission to learn about the p*rn addiction epidemic society is experiencing.

This podcast is a safe place for education, healing, and empowerment, filled with research and interviews from experts in the field and personal stories from people who have experienced cheating and p*rn's negative effects and inspiration for how they overcame it

I’ve interviewed therapists, psychotherapists, former OnlyFans recruiters, Porn Addiction Recovery coaches, authors, activists, betrayed partners, and more. Check it out!